Falconry in the Crown of Aragon

FalconAr is a group of researchers trained in different disciplines (history of science, biology, philology) interested in the study of falconry, i.e., hunting with birds and all the activities associated with it, during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance in the Hispanic area, and most particularly in the Crown of Aragon. FalconAr aims to highlight a huge handwritten and printed, documentary, material, artistic and symbolic patrimony that for centuries was part of the history of the Crown of Aragon and of Western Europe. To do this we shall disseminate all kinds of content and sources associated with falconry. In this way we hope to make our work visible, to show the general public this knowledge, stimulate research and, in this respect, we wish to establish this website as a work tool at the service of researchers.
Alicante, Requena and Valencia, 2020